My Hope, Christ, God, kind friend of men. O Light, Way, Life, Salvation, Praise, Honour, and Renown of all Your Servants, may You live and reign in all eternity. You are my living and true God, my Holy Father, my loving Lord, the great King, the Good Shepherd, my one Teacher, my best Helper, my Leader to the Father’s house, my straight Road….O spotless sacrificial Victim, my Holy Redemption, my firm Hope, my perfect Love, my true Resurrection, my eternal Life. I long for You, O gentlest and fairest Lord…
O Radiance of the Father’s Glory, enthroned above the Cherubim and surveying the deep. O true, O radiant and never-fading Light, whom the Angels long to gaze on eternally, see, here is my heart before You. Drive out its darkness, so that it may be more richly filled with the radiance of Your Sacred Love. Amen – St. Augustine
St Mary MacKillop, pray for us
Diary of St. Mary MacKillop
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