Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pray that God may direct and that St. Joseph's humble spirit may guide

Memorare to St. Joseph: Remember Oh amiable and powerful protector, St. Joseph, that according to the testimony of your devoted servant, St. Teresa, no one ever implored your intercession with devotion and confidence without obtaining relief. Animated by this consoling hope I come to you, worthy spouse of the Virgin, and at your feet I seek refuge and protection.
By the honour which was yours in bearing the glorious title of Father of Jesus, I ask you to receive my humble prayer. Hear it favourable and present it for me to Him who accepted to be called your Son, and who will not refuse your petition.
St. Joseph, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, foster father of her adorable Son, guardian, confidant and imitator of both, in virtue of these special privileges and of the power granted to you on earth and in heaven, I beseech you obtain for me a heart resembling yours in its silence, in its meekness, in its humility, in its charity, in its obedience and in its chastity. Watch over me, assist me every day of my life and obtain for me the great grace to die like you in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Amen

Diary of St. Mary MacKillop

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